Roudnice nad Labem, mountain Říp


The painter was inspired by the sea and especially by photographs of Australian photographer Ray Collins. It is a completely new view oscillating on the border of surrealism and magical realism, where the painter can paint every drop of water , wave or sky above the sea as if it were a photograph but at the same time can be seen a touch of surrealism, instead of wave you can Imagine a large octopus or even cauliflower :) that artistic direction in which real reality with illusive elements is interminged is very fitting and impressive

Stranger Physics Things 

In High school I studied physics where we discovered that the science behind Black Holes was just starting to be proven real or at least realistic. At this time in Art class i was introduced to the works of MC Escher and Salvador Dali, greatly expanding my visual vocabulary in describing strange physics and odd perspectives. My teacher pulled me aside and secretly passed on the wonders of the Golden Ratio and Golden Section used in art, architecture and found inherently in Nature.

During the later years of High school I also studied Graphic design and Architectural principles in Drawing. This is helpful for an artist, learn how to put everything into perspective first, then shatter the rules and twist the perspective into any higher form you wish.

In 1998 I moved from my provincial country town of Wingham in rural NSW Australia, to the University city of Newcastle.

Accepted into University for Art and Education I soon realised that the actual doing and making of art was far more fun than the theoretical component. I switched courses from the University to a Fine Arts advanced Diploma at the Hunter Institute of Technology. Best move ever. The teachers were all Professional artists, their firm but inspiring words still echo in my mind and onto the canvas. The likes of John Morris, Maize Turner and Jill Orr to name a few.

I was also studying music, learning to play the drums with the pre-eminent jazz drummer, Nick Cecire. He taught me how to teach myself and ultimately, how to teach others. There is a clear link between Music and the Visual arts as the two can inspire each other.

I have spent the last number of years following conversations and lectures between AstroPhysicists, Theoretical Physicists and Biologists. Many times I have heard the sentence uttered, Oh that´s simply too difficult to even imagine, what would that even look like?

My work has been an attempt to answer such questions.



                  Lukos's paintings are on the walls of prestigious law firms or business firms

© 2018 Luke Hey and Zuzka Red Co., Prague, The Czech republic
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